
Okay seriously, how cute is Stellia, aka 'Stell'. I know she's our neice and all, but she really a sweet little baby. Stellia turned one this month and T.J. and I were happy to capture a few photos of her just before her birthday. It's amazing how quickly they grow. -Brooke

Live For Summer

Yesterday morning I shot a few photos for walk in love. of Sam. She's moving to Texas in a month and I just had to shoot her one last time (besides her wedding) before she leaves. And wouldn't you know I had a beautiful flower crown to use!! A huge thanks to Jennie for the crown and to Jeff for the handwritten type.

Sam is wearing our Original Tee in Coral.

Here's to the first day of summer! -Brooke



Friends, meet Razzle. I mean T. Razzle. No, T. Razzle Dazzle. I mean, Tori! She's about to graduate high school any day now and couldn't be more excited about it. Tori was our intern last fall and second shoots weddings with our team sometimes. She's always a ton of fun to be around and has a great sense of humor.

I shot her senior photos the other night in the perfect light and temperature. It was awesome. Enjoy! -Brooke


Nate + Nga

Sometimes you find out that your new favorite location is right down the street. I'm glad that Brooke and I took Nate and Nga on this little walk in Manheim. It was always one of those places that I thought "Oh, this would be a great place to photograph," and indeed it was! Nate and Nga were so much fun to spend an afternoon with this past weekend. And they have the cutest story ever! Nate worked at a Pizza shop in Philadelphia and Nga lived above it while they both attended Temple University. Adorable. Their wedding is just a few weeks away and I can't wait to capture it. But for now, here are some of our favorites from their engagement session! -Jeff

Anthony + Mandy

Anthony, Amanda and Kiley (their super spunky dog!) met up with Brooke and I a few weeks ago for a fun engagement shoot around Lancaster City. We went from rooftop, to alleyways to the park and got some great images along the way. We shared stories with one another, about how they met working at a restaurant, to living life with Kiley running wild, to being full time photographers. Every time I knelt down to take a photo, Kiley would run over to me (as if I bent down to greet her personally) and lick me ferociously. We definitely all became best friends on that beautiful evening. Here are some of our favorites! -Jeff


For those of you who think that all I do is photograph weddings in life, that's way off. So, here is a super fast recap to get you up to speed as to who Tess is.

T.J. started selling t-shirts in college for a mission's trip fundraiser. People liked them. He started selling more. We got married. We started selling them at our local mall. Then we raised 30K and opened our first retail store. Two years later we are opening our second store - this time in Stone Harbor, NJ. Who doesn't love the beach, right!? We had to hire more poeple to work at our new store. One of those fabulous people is Tess. This is Tess.

Ya follow? You can actually read about Tess on the walk in love. blog, right HERE. Last night I shot a few photos of Tess to introduce her to the world and wanted to share some of them with you. As we were walking towards the sunlight, before I'd shot anything of her, she said "So, I'm pretty awkward and strange in front of the camera." I told her she'd be fine. And HECK! She looks amazing and so comfortable! One of my absolute favorite things about being a portrait photographer is taking amazing shots of people who think they're "not photogenic". It's so rewarding.

Have a great day! -Brooke

Kyle + Sam

One time when I was a kid, I got so mad at my little sister Sam that I wrote on the bottom of my bunk bed, "SAM CAN NEVER PLAY NERF EVER."  I don't remember what I was mad about and I know that after that incident Sam was still allowed to play in the family nerf gun battles, but it has forever been a joke between the two of us. And I love that. I have literally known Sam for her entire life. I have watched her be super cute when she was little, go through those really awkward and ugly years, rebel a little and then become the beautiful, passionate, loyal young woman she is today.  When she first met Kyle I wasn't sure about the guy. He didn't say much and I thought he looked too much like the vampire from twilight. Plus, he was dating my baby sister so I was destined not to aprove at first. As I have seen them grow together the past few years Kyle has won me over a million times through his devotion to my sister. I couldn't be happier for the two of them and when they tie the knot on July 5th I can assure you that I will be a sniffling, crying mess.

Now a little about the photos. Kyle is currently living in San Diego for work, so when they FINALLY got engaged Brooke and I thought we could be sneaky and politely suggest that they shoot their engagements in San Diego. My mom is a flight attendant, so one stand by flight later we were in beautiful San Diego shooting photos, eating burritos and quoting one of the most famous surfers ever. It was a great two day getaway for Brooke and I and we love the way every photo came out. Sam and Kyle - We couldn't be happier for you and can't wait to see all the amazing things you two will do together! - T.J. (and Brooke)


Rico + Kristin

Rico and Kristin have one of the cutest stories ever. They met because of their dogs. Each owning their own, they would take them to the same park every day. The second they met, Rico and Kristin were forced to become friends. And from there, the rest is history, two sets of best friends. Sam and I took a hike outside Philadelphia along a path they walk their dogs occasionally. My favorite photos are those taken on the rocks along the river. I love those fall colors! -Jeff